
Venables Consultancy offers practical and cost-effective assistance with the training and Continuing Professional Development of civil engineers, builders, environmental specialists and other professionals, through training consultancy and in-house courses.
Venables Consultancy - training consultancy and in-house courses

Training Consultancy

Our training consultancy service offers:

  • Strategic advice and practical assistance on developing training strategies and programmes to meet the training requirements of the Institution of Civil Engineers
  • Advice on preparing for membership of the ICE, CIWEM and other professional institutions
  • Advice on the suitability of available courses
  • Help to individuals on their particular training and professional development needs
  • Assistance in the development of schemes for Continuing Professional Development
  • Assistance in developing the skills of senior staff to act as in-house training course tutors.


In-house Courses

Our in-house courses are a mixture of lectures, group discussions and individual work with active participation by attendees. The courses presently offered are in five main areas:

  • Communication skills
  • The Institution of Civil Engineers' and CIWEM Training Schemes and related CPD
  • Safety and contractual matters
  • Commercial awareness
  • Environmental and sustainability issues in construction (through Crane Environmental Ltd).

The courses can either be presented "off the shelf" or can be adapted to suit clients' or participants' needs. To maximise the benefit of the courses to participants, numbers are generally limited to between 12 and 16 people.

Tailored courses can also be developed to meet specific training needs, using Venables Consultancy associates as required to provide the range of skills that may be needed.

Extensive repeat business providing in-house courses demonstrates our clients' appreciation of a distinctive training style.

"Roger Venables is a highly skilled and knowledgeable presenter and this was evident during the course."

"It is a good course and I would recommend it to my colleagues - especially those that do not have a financial or accounting background."

"Excellent speaker. Good mix of group discussions and lectures. Excellent for improving graduates with an appreciation of the bigger picture."

(feedback from in-house 'Commercial Awareness' course
held in September 2010)

Jean Venables' book Preparing for the Professional Reviews of the Institution of Civil Engineers assists civil engineers aiming to achieve membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers. It should also prove extremely useful to Supervising Civil Engineers and Delegated Engineers responsible for the training of civil engineers.

Our overall philosophy is to provide cost-effective and appropriate assistance to our clients in their training of civil engineers and other professionals. This ranges from a short consultation about training requirements to a full targeted series of courses, plus support to individual graduates under training as needed.

The full range of Venables Consultancy courses offered are listed in the Training Course list (pdf).

If you would like to receive further details, please contact us directly by e-mail.